Great Khan - Cultural Properties

Great Khan

Great Khan

Location: It is located in the southwest of Asmaaltı Square in Nicosia. The current address of Büyük Han is: Selimiye Mahallesi 85, Asmaaaltı Sokak.

Opening: It was built by Cyprus Governor Sinan Pasha between 1572 and 1579, upon the order of the Ottoman sultan Sultan Selim. (Another name is Alâiyeler – Alanyalılar Inn) It has a privileged place as it is one of the inns from the Ottoman period that has survived to the present day. It is the biggest inn in Cyprus.

Current Functionality: It serves as a center where handicrafts unique to Cyprus are produced and sold and there are restaurants.

Definition of Inn: It is a building used to accommodate travelers on the road or in towns.

Exterior-Interior Spaces: It has two floors. It has 68 rooms on the lower and upper floors. The inn is entered through two separate doors on the east and west. There are 10 single-storey shops at the eastern entrance. It has a large open courtyard in the middle. There is a mansion mosque in the middle of the courtyard. There is a water tank under the mosque. There is a tomb to the southwest of the Köşk mosque.

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