Selimiye Mosque - Cultural Properties

Selimiye Mosque

Selimiye Mosque (Hagia Sophia-i Kebîr Mosque)

Location: It is located in Selimiye Square in Nicosia.

Inaugurated by the Lusignans in St. It is a building named Sophia Cathedral. II. It was converted into a mosque when Selim conquered Cyprus.

Current Functionality: Selimiye Mosque serves as the largest (Historical Work) mosque on the island, with a size that allows 2500 people to worship at the same time.

Definition of Mosque and Cathedral: A mosque is a place where Muslims gather and pray together. Cathedral means the main church.

Exterior-Interior Spaces: The mosque is entered through three main entrance doors. There is a reservoir, fountain and toilet in the courtyard. There is also a sundial. There are three mihrabs inside the mosque.

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