Foundation Tradition Kept Alive with Mass Circumcision Festival

Foundation Tradition Kept Alive with Mass Circumcision Festival

The Cyprus Foundations Administration (Evkaf), which always supports families and children in need, continues to uphold foundation traditions with its organized mass circumcision event.

In the event, organized in collaboration with the Social Development Movement (TOGEH) Association and the TRNC Mukhtars Association, 41 children from different regions began to undergo circumcision.

As part of this event, 10 children living in the Nicosia region were circumcised by expert doctors.

Evkaf General Director Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tümer, who attended the event, closely interacted with the children and chatted with their families before the operation. Tümer also met with the doctors and healthcare workers performing the operations and expressed his gratitude for their efforts. Additionally, the Kindness Volunteers, who played a significant role in organizing the event, delighted the children with their clown shows and distributed gifts.

The second event of the mass circumcision organization will be held in Famagusta in the coming days.

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