Kindness Visits Continue Where They Left Off

Kindness Visits Continue Where They Left Off

The Evkaf Kindness Volunteers once again demonstrated their sensitivity towards the elderly with their visit to Lapta Nursing Home.

Young volunteers, proud to contribute to their happiness by meeting their predetermined needs during the visit, also seized the opportunity to listen to the elderly's life stories and empathize with their concerns through intimate conversations.

A message from our young volunteers!

As Evkaf Kindness Volunteers, we value reaching out to every segment of our society and fostering a culture of mutual assistance. Bringing comfort to the lives of our elderly and letting them feel our presence brings us immense happiness.

In the Quran, it is reminded that today's elders were once young, just as today's youth will become tomorrow's elderly. 

We hope that such activities will serve as an example not only to our elderly but also to our young volunteers. Moving forward with the same sensitivity and dedication, we will continue to support the needs of our elderly in our future visits.

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